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ReadyLA Campers Make Local TV News

Posted on 08/11/2023
A recruitment flyer for young people to attend emergency preparedness camp held this past Auguist shows the logos of LA City and the EM department. Small images included show sun's rays and dark storms clouds.  TEXT:   Los Angeles Emergency Management Department Presents: CAMP ReadyLA - Emer-GenZ / Join us from July 31 to August 4, 2023 at the City's Emergency Operations Center in Downtown L.A.

Live local TV network news and the City's own LA CityView 35 channel reported the events of early August 2023 (see videos) as LA City's Emergency Management Department hosted a week-long interactive program for youth at the City's storied Emergency Operations Center (EOC) downtown.

A aiulated search engine screen opened in front of a palm-tree decorated LA skyline includes some of the benefits ReadyLA campers could expect from attending the event earlier this month, including: How to save LA, meet inspiring leaders, experience and earthquake, and build leadership skills.


Called "Camp ReadyLA: Emer-GenZ" -- about 30 participants, ages 15 to 25, had opportunities to learn more about various careers in and related to the field of emergency management.  


They gained first-hand experience in emergency preparedness, response, and recovery, while improving their leadership skills and getting a taste of the thrilling activities that come with helping to manage a major City like LA under simulated threats.


Campers also heard from leaders in the field and experienced emergency managers who took them through the steps of a fast-paced, "activated" EOC.




The logo of TV stations KCAL-Los Angeles with City Hall and a scenic skyline behind it.
"For a second year, LA City emergency managers hosted a recruitment camp for about 30 high school students and young adults, hoping it spurs their dreams to join the ranks. Kara Finnstrom reports."

The yellow and blue circulare logo of LA Cityview Channel 35 local television
"The Emergency Management Department held a week-long camp that provides a look into the life of an emergency manager... while team-building, looking at a career path in emergency management, and learning leadership skills."